Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Agawa Rock Pictographs and Lake Superior Provincial Park in new IMAX film "Mysteries of the Great Lakes"

The new IMAX film "Mysteries of the Great Lakes" was launched on Saturday, May 3 at Science North in Sudbury.

Many of the main themes in the film feature Lake Superior and Lake Superior Provincial Park. The film focuses on the Lake Sturgeon , Bald Eagle and Caribou. There are pictographs of these creatures at the Agawa Rock Pictographs and they are featured in the film.

There are also aerial views of the Lake Superior Provincial Park coast - especially of Gargantua Harbour and of the Devil's Chair/Tugboat Channel area.

                         IMAX film crew shooting close-ups of the pictographs

The IMAX film crew had to set up the camera and tripod on an underwater boulder for the shot of the whole of Agawa Rock.

The film debuts at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto on May 8 and will be shown at other IMAX theatres around the Great Lakes starting later this spring. Check the calendars at your local IMAX theatre. It is a great film!

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