Spring, early summer and the fall can be the best times to do a canoe trip on the Sand River because the water levels are adequate for canoeing. In low rainfall summers, the water level on most of the river is not adequate for a good canoe trip. However, in a wet summer, water levels could be high enough to allow for a good trip.
There are no flow gauges on the Sand River, so we estimate water flows/levels by looking at the water levels near the end of the river.
Flow volumes are at a maximum right now (see picture in our April 24, 2008 post below).
For a regular canoe trip with decent water levels in the shallow sections of the river, the picture below on May 25, 2007, shows a water level that was enough for a good trip. (This picture is of the portion of the Sand River above the bridge at Highway 17. This section of the river has a waterfall and rapids and the canoe route ends upstream of the photo.)
We will try to post pictures of the water levels until the end of June to help you plan your canoe trip. Call the Lake Superior Provincial Park office if you need more help or information. A canoe route description in a free to download PDF is available at lakesuperiorpark.ca
These pictures of the Sand River are also useful for estimating the best time to paddle other rivers that flow into eastern Lake Superior. Rivers like the Pukaskwa River and the Dog River have relatively small watersheds and they are best paddled in the spring or early summer.
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